Wednesday 18 September 2019

Paper 1

Section 1- News

1. Representation
2 Unseen texts
Apply a Representation theory
- Hall, Gauntlett, bell hooks, Judith Butler, Van Zoonen, Gilroy

2. Media Language
2 unseen texts and develop answers overall.

3. Audience- Guardian, Daily Mail- Online presence specific articles.

4. Theory- Evaluate the usefulness of theory- Guardian and Daily Mail (and others)

Question 1

Political Views

Political Views- Less writing on Daily Mirror suggests that they don't have a very strong argument to say why they don't like May compared to all the positives there are on the Daily Mail to back May.


P: The Mirror chooses to represent the cultural issue of gender through the choice of image on the front page. It depicts Theresa May, the female PM on the day of the 2017 General Election.

E: The tabloid has printed a full colour, low angle, close up which bleeds to the edge of the page.

E: The low angle shot has subverted the usual convention of tabloid imagery. Hall's theory suggests that the 'code' of a low angle shot would empower the subject (Theresa May). However, this photograph undermines her authority, making her look unattractive, flawed and ridiculous. The representation of May as a female here also subvert's Hall's theory of representation, as she does not fit the generic stereotype of the 'attractive' women. Hall's theory is more in evidence in the Mail (surpassingly) as she is looking respectable, open and positive.

Look at the cover to talk about and highlight key points of the newspaper. Images can have very different meanings even if they are the same image. More text means we can make up our own minds rather than being forced into an opinion. Daily Express is right wing and the Guardian is left wing. Messages we are getting are very one sided because there isn't an equal balance of right wing and left wing. The narrative of the paper highlights the meaning of the image.

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