Wednesday 6 November 2019

Paper 1 Question 6

Old Spice
Lucozade (Gareth Bale)


Analyse the aim of the advertisement

Colour- Red indicates danger, blood, suffering and the black background and high key lighting increases the white and tiredness on their face as well as making the red stand out.

Layout- The questions/writing covers their faces to show that they are being swallowed by these oppressions and can't escape it.

Image- The close up helps you connect with the emotions of the people used, along with some diversity to show it can happen to anyone. Woman or a Man. Diversity is stopped because there is no black people or blonde haired individuals. The look roughly the same age, emphasises the point it can happen to anyone.

Font-  Highlight the points about size and colour of the font.

Text- Highlight the ideas that the charity is there to help and they use short sentences.

Colour- Blue, yellow shows branding of the company. Blue contradicts it being better than water. Blue is a male colour and yellow shows electricity and can indicate an idea of boosting energy.

Layout- The main image is of Bale is the stand out part and gives an impression that if you drink lucozade this is who you will be like. His following also brings an audience with him.

Image- Serious face, his following brings an audience with him.

Font- Capitals, kind of shouting at you. Play on words.


Old Spice;


Image- Shows off the idea that by wearing old spice you become the ideal man. Lots going on and he is the controller of everything around him because he is wearing old spice.

Font- Basic, relaxed

Text- The text is mocking other fragrances, funny and making it stand out from other competitors.

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