Monday 24 February 2020

Theorists notes and Tv drama Industry and Regulation

  • Curran and Seaton- Power and Media: The idea that a small group of businesses control the media and concentrates it which is limiting creativity. socially diverse patterns of ownership help create more varied and adventurous media production.

  • Livingstone and Lunt- Regulation: Tv regulated by OFCOM but Netflix is controlled by a company in Holland so they don't abide by UK rules. Parents regulate kids and what they see. Makes it a lot harder to regulate stuff.

  • David Hesmondhaigh- Cultural Industries: Minimise risk and Maximise audience through horizontal and vertical integration, formatting cultural products. Large conglomerate operates across different cultural industries. Internet has been contained to some extent by large profit orientated set cultural industries.
If ST is rated 15:

  • Strong language
  • Brief or comic sexual nudity
  • Sexual activity usually without a lot of detail
  • Threat and horror
  • Violence without dwelling on the inflection of injury or pain
  • Verbal references to sexual violence
  • Drug taking
9pm watershed traditional television Channel 4- D83- Post watershed scheduling. Now irrelevant due to catch-up.

OFCOM rules:
  • Protect under 18s
  • Prohibited material doesn't appear
  • Don't insight hatred
  • Commercial reference needs to be regulated
Terrestrial- Regular TV

OFCOM has no power to issue sanctions on Netflix, as it is regulated by the Dutch regulator.

Essentially the part to evaluate is the idea that the rise of convergent technologies puts traditional regualtion at risk.

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