Monday 24 September 2018

Analysing- Film


  • Zoom in on the different signs representing parts of the life Trey could end up taking unless if he escapes this violent life.
  • When the camera zooms in on the boys faces in the classroom it shows the anger within them building.

Mise en Scene

  • Street scene, shooting, blood and violence everywhere showing the conditions these young kids live in.
  • Street corners are covered in rubbish and wild dogs are running around spreading disease.
  • The costumes the actors wear are very dull and dirty to show how poor the area is.
  • The lighting is dim and a bit dark to show that these areas are bad or there is trouble around.
  • The actors are very stereotypical in how they speak for 1990's and really help connect the audience to the feelings of the characters.


  • Voiceover at the beginning - offscreen.
  • The music is very slow and steady kind of like mystery music.
  • Sound offscreen of a helicopter to show the violence in the area, along with police sirens.


  • The cut to the stop sign with a loud boom to represent the violence in the area.
  • Dissolves from blood to kids drawings.
  • Dramatic cuts between the posters sounding like gunshots.

1 comment:

  1. Good analysis of codes, you can put mise en scene and camera together so you can write the low angle close up of the stop sign could signify...
