Wednesday 12 September 2018


  • The study of signs.
  • Also of anything which stands for 'something else'.
Denotation- What we see when we look at an image (what it is)
Connotation- What we understand from this image (what other meanings it has)Image result for Ballers

Denotation- Spencer is standing at the front with Las Vegas behind him. This is the modern time period.
Connotation- He is the main character and he is a powerful man, Las Vegas is a powerful place and to be smaller than him shows he runs the city. The idea behind good vs evil is hard to tell from this picture, because this makes him look like the bad guy from his expression on his face and the medium close up shot making him look tall and powerful. However he is the good guy and this is a picture aimed to confuse the audience and leave them wanting to watch the show.

Denotation- The name ballers is the title.
Connotation- A 'baller' refers to someone with a lot of money and uses women for their personal gains. This is another way the show Spencer could be the bad guy, and how the director confuses the audience.

1 comment:

  1. Apply DISTINCT so that the denotations and connotations reference genre.
