Thursday 28 February 2019

Minecraft Questions

  1. 16,107,957 Subscribers as of 27 February 2019
  2. Ali A has done Minecraft since 2013
  3. Ali A started playing Minecraft because it was a new trending game that brought in millions of views to his channel because it was trending at the time.
  4. He wants to improve his content and keep up to date with the latest trends in the video game world in order for his videos to appeal to all audiences.
  5. Coming up with video ideas, making the videos and editing are activities that take up a signifiant amount of his daily routine. Followed by meetings with endorsers/sponsors and then obviously having his meals and a bit of chill out time.
  6. We watch YouTubers for entertainment purposes and also to keep up with the latest trends. We may also watch YouTubers for advice or tutorials. But also we watch YouTubers for inspiration or ideas.
  7. Twitch is a social media platform where creators can livestream themselves to big audiences worldwide. These creators can also get payed through the amount of viewers they have, to donations made by the viewers and also sponsorship money from various brands that the individual is advertising on the stream. Many viewers can spend up to 5 hours watching livestreams, mainly for entertainment purposes.
  8. Ali A earns between $125 k to $2.5 million.
  9. Minecraft was purchased for $2.5 billion by Microsoft.
  10. Minecraft is a sandbox game that will never get boring because the game is only limited by the players imagination and only minor updates and tweaks may be needed so it can save a lot of money for a company. Also the game has sold over 120 million copies worldwide and that number keeps increasing. And finally the game has now become a global icon and is very popular with many people of a variety of ages.
  11. Microsoft could however completely change the idea of the game now that they have the rights to Minecraft. However, this could effect the already huge audience the game has and could cause a downfall in the amount of players the game has.
  12. Minecraft's biggest asset is the fact that the game is only limited to the imagination of their players. 

Video Game questions

Platform - different formats the game is availabale in
Conglomerate - large media companies that own smaller media companies
Developer - People that come up with the concept of the game
Digital distribution - making the game available to audiences (steam...)
Engine - a system designed for creation and development of games
PEGI - Pan European Games information (age rating)
Designer - people or companies that bring the game to life
RPG - Role playing game
MMORPG - Massively multiplayer online role player game
FPS- First person shooter
Event release- Release date of game
Triple A game- A game with a high budget
Open world- Free to do whatever/roam around
DLC- Downloadable content
Sandbox- Open world building game.

Video Games

What is a video game- A game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a monitor or other display.

  • Role play
  • First person shooter
  • Sport
  • Strategy
  • Sandbox
  • Open world
  • Adventure
  • Simulation
  • Horror 
  • Puzzle Solving
  • Children's 
Minecraft was created by Marcus 'Notch' Persson and developed by Mojang.

Call Of Duty
Red Dead Redemption
NBA 2k
Mario Kart
Mario and Sonic
Rainbow six siege
Forza Horizon
Formula 1
Golf with friends
Mortal Kombat
Lego Star wars
Sunset Overdrive
Smash Bro's Ultimate
Wii Sports
Saints Row
Assassins Creed
Club Penguin
Tomb Raider

Radio Self test

1.    Since last august
2.    15-29-year olds
3.    Radio 1 has no adverts and its publicly funded by the BBC
4.    Radio, BBC iPlayer, TV, Stream online
5.    They can call in, message them on social media or text
6.    The professional body that regulates radio is called Ofcom
7.    They make sure that their audience is at the heart of everything that they do. This is how they keep their status as a public service broadcaster.
9.    It plays a lot of British music and not just well-known people but upcoming artists, and many of the prizes people can win are British themed.
10. During my time slot I heard a few POP songs such as Rita Ora’s- Anywhere and also a rap song like Drake- In my feelings.
11.During my time slot there was a few interviews, some with British artists such as Sam Smith and Years and Years. There was also interviews with NFL Legends who were not British but were helping to promote the Super Bowl 53.
12. ISIS girl wants to return home, members of parliament making their own group and Brit awards.
13. Tickets to the Super Bowl, Radio 1’s word slam to win money.
14. Throughout the breakfast show they make sure to tell the news to keep people up to date what’s going on in the world. They will also have discussions with either guests in the studio or members of the public via calls or social media. They also do an event at the end of the year a 750-word essay challenge for students to win a prize showing the educating side and also have various celebrities on for entertainment.
15. Commercial shows have a lot of pointless chat, mainly gossip and have so many adverts. But radio 1 has a lot more music and has no adverts as well. And they promote a lot of British music and artists.
16. I found that in my section there was a lot of modern pop and rap so in my opinion I think it was aimed mainly at people aged between 15 and 22 maybe a bit older.
17. 9.6 million across a few months.
18. -
19.Radio 1 is the most targeted station for audiences. It’s for a large range of audiences and is for the young, hip and trendy. With interviews and events with celebrities, it fits in with the target audience of 15 to 29-year olds as they love this type of modern-day gossip.

Friday 15 February 2019

Radio 1 750 word essay

The BBC Radio 1 Breakfast show mainly targets a range of young listeners, using a mix of music tracks and speech/talks. This is what entertains and engages the audience to listen. The target audience is 15-29year olds, sometimes targeted at younger teenagers for the songs played.

We listened to timed segments of the Breakfast show. We found that a high percentage of the songs were British artists and many of the various competitions such as: Tickets to the FA Cup, Cricket World Cup, hang out with the 1975 and Little Mix. Also, on Radio 1 Breakfast show there are no adverts so its non-stop tracks and discussions to keep the audience entertained. We also found that they would play 3 songs and then they will have a small discussion or a quiz or a competition to fill in the times. However, during our segment they had an interview with some NFL legends to advertise Super Bowl 53 and in another segment, they were interviewing a Radio 1 representative. They also play a game called Radio 1 Jam Slam which is a quiz/anagram game to win prizes.

When Radio 1 brought in Nick Grimshaw he was expected to boost the ratings due to his celebrity status and young people connection. However, Radio 1 Breakfast show suffers a heavy rating fall, but Greg James gave the Breakfast show a boost when he joined and took over from Nick in 2018 after Nick lost 9.37 million listeners a week. However, Greg James added 231,000 listeners in the final three months of 2018, averaging a weekly audience of 5.11 million including those aged 15 and older.

The BBC Radio 1 website consists of the latest music tracks (a way of listening to them-which are updated frequently). It also includes live music and mixes, such as live lounge, where artists sing covers of other people’s songs; the official chart, Radio 1 playlist, ‘what’s new’, news, sport, weather, iPlayer, sounds etc. Analysed podcast: “A journey back into fake Britain”- Greg James plays a game by ringing lots of callers and firing random questions, in which they have to respond with the first thing that comes into their head without panicking or thinking too much. The idea is that the person on the end of the phone is under pressure, which makes it more entertaining for the listeners. An example of the sort of questions are: what noise does a koala make? Or a happy butterfly? These questions are unusual which engages the audience because Greg James can be known as a fun, younger guy, friendly, like your best mate- very likeable. Another part of the podcast presents him asking viewers what they listen to, to help them fall asleep. This is affective in receiving more listeners because it shows that the radio presenter has an interest in what their fans like and dislike. People want to get involved because Radio 1 is listened to by a wide target audience.

Greg James had been promoted to the Radio presenter for the morning breakfast show. This is due to the fact that Nick Grimshaw’s audience figures had dropped whilst he was still the presenter. Radio 1 figured using Greg James in the morning would increase the number of viewers- which is exactly what happened. He is very popular with the audience and this is consequently shown through his social media. When researching Greg James’s social media, I had seen that he had posted a screenshot of a BBC news article stating ‘Rajar figures: Greg James boosts Radio 1 breakfast audience by 230,000’. This suggests that people would rather listen to Greg James presenting than when Nick did. He also posts humorous images and tweets across all of his social media. Some posts are duplicated across a few different types of social accounts, such as Instagram and Twitter for example. A reason for this could be if some viewers don’t have a certain type of social media due to preferences of how it works or is set out. Greg James’s social media differs from Radio 1’s due to the fact that the radio show has to look professional/have a sense of organisation (layout, text, captions), but still ensures that it ‘entertains, informs and educates’.

The Radio 1 Weekend is going to be held in Swansea. It consists of well-known artists attract radio’s young audience and also attracts others who are not listeners of radio 1. Therefore, this event can attract new listeners who would be persuaded by the good artists in the line-up. The event is said to be as good as Glastonbury since the line-up is very popular. Previously, the event has been held all over England with a new location every year to attract its listeners all over the country. The line-up always includes a few popular acts to attract listeners with new artists as well as to show new music just like Radio 1 do on shows.

Friday 1 February 2019

Radio 1 Breakfast Show

  • The Breakfast Show is the highest paid radio slot
  • BBC Sounds is their own way to access music (similar to Spotify)
  • Greg James is the current presenter
  • John Reith founded the BBC
  • 9 channels and online services
  • Access BBC all around the world
  • 30th September 1967 by Tony Blackburn- Radio 1 was first aired
  • Radio 1 is broadcasted on FM and DAB and online services
  • Audience- who is the target audience, how do they target the audience and how can the audience access the radio
  • Radio 1 Breakfast Show- Facebook/Twitter/Snapchat/Instagram/anywhere else!
  • Almost 90% of adults tune into the radio every week
  • Live radio is the most popular form of using radio
  • March 2016 was a key time for radio because 15 new radio services were brought in
  • BBC is a public service broadcaster (PSB)
  • OFCOM make sure PSB's are following the rules and regulations
  • They always try and win over their audiences.

Jungle Book Evaluation

What was the task you were assigned?

We were assigned the task to create a Jungle Book interview about the making and production of the film.

What programme did you use to complete your task? 

Adobe Premiere Pro

What tools/effect did you use from your programme to create your task?

We used the technique of Green screening and also used cutting features aswell to trim the clips.
What were the biggest obstacles to completing your task?

Trying to get rid of the shadows in the green screen caused by the lights.
Did you complete the task on time? If not, why not?

We completed it on time.
How do you think this task will help with your Jungle Book revision?

It will allow me to look back over the interview and get an insight into the minds of the director and marketing directors mind behind the making of Jungle Book.
What do you think you could have improved in terms of content and presentation?

The lights made the screen look really white and we could have made it longer to add more questions and responses to get more information across in the interview to have more knowledge to look back on.
What was your initial feedback? What did others say about your production?

They thought it was great but could of had better quality filming/editing.

Identify what went well and with hindsight what would you do differently?

The whole production side went well we just need to add more information and get better at editing.