Thursday 28 February 2019

Minecraft Questions

  1. 16,107,957 Subscribers as of 27 February 2019
  2. Ali A has done Minecraft since 2013
  3. Ali A started playing Minecraft because it was a new trending game that brought in millions of views to his channel because it was trending at the time.
  4. He wants to improve his content and keep up to date with the latest trends in the video game world in order for his videos to appeal to all audiences.
  5. Coming up with video ideas, making the videos and editing are activities that take up a signifiant amount of his daily routine. Followed by meetings with endorsers/sponsors and then obviously having his meals and a bit of chill out time.
  6. We watch YouTubers for entertainment purposes and also to keep up with the latest trends. We may also watch YouTubers for advice or tutorials. But also we watch YouTubers for inspiration or ideas.
  7. Twitch is a social media platform where creators can livestream themselves to big audiences worldwide. These creators can also get payed through the amount of viewers they have, to donations made by the viewers and also sponsorship money from various brands that the individual is advertising on the stream. Many viewers can spend up to 5 hours watching livestreams, mainly for entertainment purposes.
  8. Ali A earns between $125 k to $2.5 million.
  9. Minecraft was purchased for $2.5 billion by Microsoft.
  10. Minecraft is a sandbox game that will never get boring because the game is only limited by the players imagination and only minor updates and tweaks may be needed so it can save a lot of money for a company. Also the game has sold over 120 million copies worldwide and that number keeps increasing. And finally the game has now become a global icon and is very popular with many people of a variety of ages.
  11. Microsoft could however completely change the idea of the game now that they have the rights to Minecraft. However, this could effect the already huge audience the game has and could cause a downfall in the amount of players the game has.
  12. Minecraft's biggest asset is the fact that the game is only limited to the imagination of their players. 

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