Friday 1 February 2019

Radio 1 Breakfast Show

  • The Breakfast Show is the highest paid radio slot
  • BBC Sounds is their own way to access music (similar to Spotify)
  • Greg James is the current presenter
  • John Reith founded the BBC
  • 9 channels and online services
  • Access BBC all around the world
  • 30th September 1967 by Tony Blackburn- Radio 1 was first aired
  • Radio 1 is broadcasted on FM and DAB and online services
  • Audience- who is the target audience, how do they target the audience and how can the audience access the radio
  • Radio 1 Breakfast Show- Facebook/Twitter/Snapchat/Instagram/anywhere else!
  • Almost 90% of adults tune into the radio every week
  • Live radio is the most popular form of using radio
  • March 2016 was a key time for radio because 15 new radio services were brought in
  • BBC is a public service broadcaster (PSB)
  • OFCOM make sure PSB's are following the rules and regulations
  • They always try and win over their audiences.

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