Monday 18 March 2019

Big Issue facts and overview

Social, Cultural and Political
Niche Market
Outside usual market stream of magazines
Only focusing on cover and actual magazine not online
Media language
Magazine language
Media representation

Key terms

  • Circulation- number of copies a magazine sells
  • Readership- not just who buys a magazine but the total number of people likely to read it
  • Mass audience- readership on a very large scale
  • Niche audience- narrow group of readers with a particular interest
  • Subscription- where a reader pays for a set number of copies of a magazine in advance at a lower price and receives them by post

Intertextuality within the Big Issue
A hand up not a hand out- means your helping someone off the streets by buying the magazine

Masthead- the title of the magazine
Plug- text that plugs a feature that will appear inside the magazine
Puff- a story that is given prominence on the cover
Cover star- the star featured on the cover
Anchorage text- text that anchors the main image and gives it context/meaning
Banner- the text that runs across the lower section of the cover
Skyline- text that runs across the top of the cover

On average, advertising accounts for 70% of magazine income
A magazine with a small circulation are more dependent on advertising rather than sales
Helps to secure: Housing, training and healthcare for the vendors
100,000 copies sold a week
2000 vendors in Britain
In total the vendors made 5 million pounds in 2013

Ethical Capitalism

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