Monday 9 March 2020

Exam cheat sheet

What is in each exam:

Paper 1:

Question 1- 17 mins

  • Media language theories
  • Representation theories
  • Technical language to describe newspapers
  • Recognise stereotypes and representation 
Question 2- 25 mins
  • Differences between and genre traits of tabloid and broadsheet papers
  • Media language used in tabloid and broadsheet papers
Question 3- 17 mins
  • Political context of newspaper production (Daily Mail and Guardian)
  • Social context of newspaper productions (DM and G)
  • Economic/ business contexts of newspaper production (DM and G)
  • Front covers of DM and G and have basic knowledge of stories inside
  • Regulation of newspapers
Question 4- 17 mins
  • Audience theories
  • Media industries theories
Question 5- 17 mins
  • Representation in Titanium and Stop where you are
  • Representation in set Big Issue cover 
  • Representation in set advertisements 
Question 6- 25 mins
  • How music videos can be intertextual and how the set texts are
  • How adverts can be intertextual
  • How magazine covers can be intertextual
  • How the contexts of production influence the music videos
  • How the contexts of production influence the adverts
  • How the contexts of production influence the magazine covers

Paper 2:

Question 1- 25 mins
  • Political, cultural and economic contexts influence the status of popular music radio programming (Radio 1 Breakfast show)
  • Political, cultural and economic contexts influence the promotion of the Jungle Book films
  • Political, cultural and economic contexts influence the status of Minecraft within the video games industry
Question 2- 25 mins
  • How films are produced, distributed and consumed with reference to the Jungle Book films
  • How popular music radio is produced, distributed and consumed with reference to the Radio 1 Breakfast Show
  • How video games are produced, distributed and consumed with reference to Minecraft
Question 3- 50 mins
  • Contexts of production for D83 (social, economic, political)
  • Contexts of production for ST (social, economic, political)
  • Representation in D83
  • Representation in ST
  • Theories that are appropriate  
Question 4- 17 mins
  • All theories in reference to LFTVD

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