Wednesday 4 March 2020

Henry Jenkins- Fandom Theory

  • Believes that fans play a key role in the media
  • Distributing the product, sharing it online
  • Textual Poaching- Audiences taking a media product and remaking or reworking it to create their own meaning
  • Fan made content has increased due to the advances in technology 
  • Identity is constructed through your fandom- participation in a community of fandom

Evaluate the usefulness of Jenkins theory to news production

Useful (does it apply to news well?)

  • Fans play a huge role in spreading news via social media- Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
  • Fans can comment and answer back
  • Citizen journalism- public can post the truth
Not Useful

  • Fandom doesn't work in the same way- news consumers don't create fan communities in the same way
  • Citizen journalists/public are still relatively powerless compared to the big corporations
  • As an individual you can't express/influence in the same way as the big corporations

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