Monday 29 April 2019

Titanium Analysis

  • Titanium was created by French DJ David Guetta
  • Vocals are done by Sia
  • No appearance is made by either artist
  • Was pulled off American radio stations due to the gun related lyrics
  • A song on inner strength and standing up for what is right
  • Follows a young boy who also appeared in another film called Super Eight
  • Was filmed outdoors and in Canada
GILE- Genre, Instruments, Lyrics, Emotion

  • Uses a lot of electric guitar and drums. Every time the main chorus kicks in, he begins to panic again and the tension in the scene rises.
  • His emotions also get higher at the chorus, in the verses he feels more relaxed and calm.

Levelled shot 
Close up
Tracking out
Side angle 
Over the shoulder


Setting- The school is all derelict and destroyed cause he used his powers. His home was all messy and could show that he has been abandoned. The visuals show time passing by the sun going down.
The woods are muddy and covered in leaves showing it could be autumn.


  • The close up on his face shows him looking scared and confused looking at the destroyed school. Shows the fear and panic in his face
  • The close up on the curtain with the gun slowly moving behind. Showing the tension is rising in that scene and also is shown by the fear and panic in his face.
  • There is a long shot from a side angle with the sun shining through the grey in the background. As he steps up from the shadows of the bushes he straightens up his body showing confidence and relaxation by his body character.
  • There is a over the shoulder shot when the boy throws away his bears to make room in his bag. This shows that the boy is throwing away his childhood and learning to become an adult.
  • The last scene of the song the boy goes back to curled up in a ball on the floor which is a repeat of the first scene, showing how he is scared and worried.  

Wednesday 24 April 2019

Stop Where You Are analysis

Corinne Bailey Rae

The song was released April 2016 as a single from the album 'The Heart Speaks in Whispers'.
She was a breakthrough artist in 2006.
She channelled her emotion into her music, and much of her work has been influenced by her experiences.

CBR said that "Stop Where You Are" is about being present, stopping and celebrating what's happening right at this very moment.

Uses a very uplifting message of rising from the darkness into light. Shown through loads of light beams shinning down.

Variety of racial minorities used in the video.

Class is shown through the various people in the video and how they are represented in stereotypes.
To make her stand out CBR is wearing a red dress, the red can be linked to love and power but also violence, very contrasting messages.

All the people are shown in a bad way and negative situations, until the song gets more uplifting and then it shows more positive things.

Androgynous- unsure if someone is masculine or female.

When the boy looks like he is considering to jump you get a low angled long shot from the view of the floor and then it flips to a high angled long shot from above and the ground below.

The homeless women is brought into focus when the business man is sat talking with her. Showing a equal level in social class.

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Analysing This is America

FAM- Frame, Angle, Movement

Close up low angle
Tracking in and out shot
Over the shoulder
Panning up and down
Extreme long shot

Music videos are to promote artist, their music and their fanbase.

  1. Relating to black stereotypes for example black people shooting people and gang warfare. Also relating to white supremacy in America.
  2. Very destructive and causing loads of problems within the community, narrator.
  3. He is showing that he can stand up against the white supremacy and fight for his human rights.

Thursday 4 April 2019

Charity Creation Info

Road safety advert

Have someone lying under a car as if they have been hit
All bruised and bleeding
Scruffy clothes
Raining to set the mood

I want to support the THINK adverts that talk about road safety.

Usual stereotypes of these adverts involve children getting run over cause they ran out on the road after playing with a ball. The driver normally was distracted. For the print advert you have to make it attack peoples feelings by shocking them.

We want to share an awareness about being aware when crossing the road
Image result for road safety posters shocking

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Charity analysis shelter

In this print advert, the social and cultural contexts are shown through the unknown individuals that are used to advertise the charities message. These individuals are unknown so that people won’t make initial judgements on the individuals and rethink the message shared by Shelter. The colour of the text is in red, which normally represents pain and despair. The text fades into the individual’s eyes to really show the troubles that being homeless is affecting them. This clever use of the print advert helps to make the audience feel sorry for them and really connected to help out these individuals. All the individuals in these pictures show signs of fatigue and despair which really conveys the ideas of how much of a serious problem homelessness is in this day and age. The adverts close up shot really helps to convey the ideas that homelessness is getting worse and needs to be taken seriously. The text also is relating to different reasons that these people are on the verge of being homeless. From losing a job, a rogue landlord and debt. All of this are problems that lead to anybody becoming homeless.
The individuals are mainly foreign and don’t look like they have lived in the UK. However, Shelter want to help people to understand that homelessness will affect anyone and not poor people or foreign people fleeing from war. These representations people have on these individuals show inequalities and conflicting social values of modern day. This is one of the main messages Shelter want to eradicate and share the idea that this issue needs to be addressed before this problem gets more out of hand.
On the advert, Shelter try to spread their message of “We can help”. However, people that may be in these situations who are from a middle class or above may not want to share the idea that they are in financial situation that they risk being homeless. Therefore, on a social context Shelter want to reach out to these people but don’t want to directly contact them/force their help. The main reason Shelter advertised in this way, was to spread a direct message to all different groups of people. They want to make sure that everyone has the right support. They wanted to advertise in a harsh way by indicating that these are real people and homelessness is a ever growing problem.

Monday 1 April 2019

Charity Campaigns

Using children in adverts shows that they are vulnerable and innocent
Plays on the target audiences emotions
ABC1 target audience

We are becoming desensitised to charity adverts

Shelter was founded in 1966 the film Cathy Come Home was pivotal part in establishing the charity.
Aims to help with homelessness and bad housing.
Campaign was launched in 2011 to encourage people at risk of losing their home to ask for support earlier.
Main focus was poster ads and Facebook
The poster campaign was initially launched in four towns identified as hotspots.

The advertising campaign was created by Amplify on a pro bono basis
Raising awareness and provide information in various local areas

Losing your job
Debt Rising
Rogue Landlords