Wednesday 24 April 2019

Stop Where You Are analysis

Corinne Bailey Rae

The song was released April 2016 as a single from the album 'The Heart Speaks in Whispers'.
She was a breakthrough artist in 2006.
She channelled her emotion into her music, and much of her work has been influenced by her experiences.

CBR said that "Stop Where You Are" is about being present, stopping and celebrating what's happening right at this very moment.

Uses a very uplifting message of rising from the darkness into light. Shown through loads of light beams shinning down.

Variety of racial minorities used in the video.

Class is shown through the various people in the video and how they are represented in stereotypes.
To make her stand out CBR is wearing a red dress, the red can be linked to love and power but also violence, very contrasting messages.

All the people are shown in a bad way and negative situations, until the song gets more uplifting and then it shows more positive things.

Androgynous- unsure if someone is masculine or female.

When the boy looks like he is considering to jump you get a low angled long shot from the view of the floor and then it flips to a high angled long shot from above and the ground below.

The homeless women is brought into focus when the business man is sat talking with her. Showing a equal level in social class.

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