Monday 29 April 2019

Titanium Analysis

  • Titanium was created by French DJ David Guetta
  • Vocals are done by Sia
  • No appearance is made by either artist
  • Was pulled off American radio stations due to the gun related lyrics
  • A song on inner strength and standing up for what is right
  • Follows a young boy who also appeared in another film called Super Eight
  • Was filmed outdoors and in Canada
GILE- Genre, Instruments, Lyrics, Emotion

  • Uses a lot of electric guitar and drums. Every time the main chorus kicks in, he begins to panic again and the tension in the scene rises.
  • His emotions also get higher at the chorus, in the verses he feels more relaxed and calm.

Levelled shot 
Close up
Tracking out
Side angle 
Over the shoulder


Setting- The school is all derelict and destroyed cause he used his powers. His home was all messy and could show that he has been abandoned. The visuals show time passing by the sun going down.
The woods are muddy and covered in leaves showing it could be autumn.


  • The close up on his face shows him looking scared and confused looking at the destroyed school. Shows the fear and panic in his face
  • The close up on the curtain with the gun slowly moving behind. Showing the tension is rising in that scene and also is shown by the fear and panic in his face.
  • There is a long shot from a side angle with the sun shining through the grey in the background. As he steps up from the shadows of the bushes he straightens up his body showing confidence and relaxation by his body character.
  • There is a over the shoulder shot when the boy throws away his bears to make room in his bag. This shows that the boy is throwing away his childhood and learning to become an adult.
  • The last scene of the song the boy goes back to curled up in a ball on the floor which is a repeat of the first scene, showing how he is scared and worried.  

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