Thursday 15 November 2018

Front Page analysis

This is a broadsheet. A broadsheet basically is a type of paper that gives you hard news in lots of detail. There is not much colour used on a broadsheet and the text is really small. Its an upmarket newspaper that brings news that is important and relevant to most people. Compared to a tabloid there is more text on a broadsheet and less pictures however, on a tabloid there is more pictures and a lot less text. On a broadsheet the main story usually takes up all the front page however a front cover on a tabloid there is multiple stories that take up the front page.

For a tabloid the cover is mainly a picture, there isn't much writing to describe whats going on and what the headline represents. The headlines and pictures for a tabloid make such a serious story, a bit silly and kind of takes peoples mind of what can be a very serious story that could effect them. Compared to the broadsheet there is a lot more photos and a lot less text to talk about the headlines that distract the reader. But on the broadsheet they explain a lot about the headline in a lot of detail and uses very few pictures. This is one of the main examples that makes the Sun a tabloid and shows how much of a difference there is between the quality of a broadsheet to a tabloid.

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