Friday 17 January 2020

Stranger Things Characters

Write a paragraph on each of these areas

The children are the main focal point of Stranger Things. They help in pushing the story forward and shows that because they are kind of rejected from society, they can still be the main protagonist. We know that these are young children because we see them playing Dungeons and Dragons in the first episode however, they then become the heroes of their own story when Will vanishes. This relates back to Dudgeons and Dragons throughout the episode as the boys constantly use references to the game to show their childish minds.

Younger group- Mike, Will, Lucas, Dustin and Eleven
Older- Nancy, Steve and Jonathan
•Family life and relationships
In Stranger Things family life and relationships help to show the connections between the characters and how each individual links to the story. Throughout, Stranger Things we find that the parents/adults in Hawkins are very useless however, we begin to learn that Joyce and Hopper are the only adults that are very helpful to the kids in trying to find Will. This relates to Joyce and Hopper breaking the natural stereotype that adults take a step back and don’t want to get involved with childish games. This makes the adults and children have reversed roles.
Mothers in Stranger Things play a very key role within the story. The main mothers are Karen and Joyce are strong figure heads within the family. Joyce is an anxious and a little bit crazy. She however is trying to look after her two children Will and Jonathan. Joyce is helping the kids in finding Will, especially because its her son but she is trying to be a protector even though she is very scared. Karen, however, is oblivious to the deeper side of Will’s disappearance and thinks that the children just play D&D rather than getting messed up in the supernatural. The mums have stepped up in their families and become the father figures in the family.                                                                                                                                                                               
•Absent fathers
Fathers in Stranger Things seem to not make much of appearance. This because in the 80’s women were being much more insignificant than men. This then leads to the women having to step up in the family. Furthermore, the children are left to look after themselves and therefore, the fathers don’t really know where the kids are and what they get up too. Also, with Joyce not having a husband it led to Jonathan having to step up and become the father figure in the family. This then makes the fathers be more insignificant within the story.
The police force seems to not be involved in a lot of things that happen within the story. However, Hopper is the protagonist of the police force as he puts all the time and effort into helping the children whereas the rest of the police force doesn’t. Not only do the police force not do lots in Hawking’s. Furthermore, they are very lenient and that means a lot of things happen however, Hopper seems to be the one that is orchestrating the police force and is the only one bothering to really help.
The government is a very dark group of people and they are a complete contradiction to stereotypical government of being helpful and on the publics side. Furthermore, they keep a lot of things hidden from the public and are also the antagonist within the story. We learn that the government are trying to steal back Eleven and do experiments on her, but they are also the reason that the Demogorgon was released due to their unlawful experiments which cause a lot of problems for the town. Hiding in an electrical plant looking for extraterrestrial beings. 
The supernatural is a sort of being that they can never usually see. However, the Demogorgon is the only supernatural being they see but that’s not in episode one. The supernatural is invisible to the main characters but because the supernatural cannot be seen much then it makes the characters more afraid which adds to the horror and mystery aspect of the episode.
·      Small community life
·      Bullied/outsiders/underdog

Stranger Things Characters

Image result for joyce byers stranger things
Joyce Byers
Major or Minor Character?
Overprotective, crazy, scared and a leader
Contribution to Narrative? 
Helps to find Will, only one who understands the kids along with being the main person who is closest to Will.

Image result for jim hopper stranger things

Jim Hopper
Major or Minor Character?


Strong, leader and fearless
Contribution to Narrative?
Helps the kids quest and not only that he is diverting away from the usually police force and is going above and beyond to help in the disappearance of Will. Leads the kids to finding Will
Image result for mike wheeler stranger things

Mike Wheeler
Major or Minor Character?

Scared, leader of the geeks.

Contribution to Narrative?
Friend of Will and not only that he is one of the main protagonists in the episode.

Image result for dustin henderson stranger things

Dustin Henderson
Major or Minor Character?

Tries to be fearless, geeky and also is the smartest of the geeks.

Contribution to Narrative?
Friend of Will and not only that he is one of the main protagonists in the episode.

Image result for lucas sinclair stranger things

Lucas Sinclair
Major or Minor Character?

The cool one of the group, scared and also is being very cautious when it comes to finding Will

Contribution to Narrative?
Friend of Will and not only that he is one of the main protagonists in the episode.

Image result for will byers stranger things

Will Byers
Major or Minor Character?
Scared and weak

Contribution to Narrative?
Main character that goes missing. The significant aspect of the story.

Image result for eleven stranger things

Major or Minor Character?


Contribution to Narrative?
The newcomer to the group and also has special powers which adds to the mystery aspect of the show

Image result for jonathan byers stranger things

Jonathan Byers
Major or Minor Character?



Quiet and creepy but caring

Contribution to Narrative?
Checks on the geeks and makes sure they are looked after and not abused by the popular kids. Also, he has a crush on Nancy but is too shy. The father figure in the Byers household.

Image result for nancy wheeler stranger things

Nancy Wheeler
Major or Minor Character?



Clever, tries to be independent, becomes a jerk and also very condesending

Contribution to Narrative?
Has a crush on Steve, older sister of Mike and tries to be seen as more like an adult. Completely betrays Barb.

Image result for steve harrington stranger things

Steve Harrington
Major or Minor Character?


Tries to be smart, jerk

Contribution to Narrative?
Dating Nancy but tends to bring her into the wrong group of people and leads Nancy to betray her only friend

Image result for barb stranger things

Barbara Holland
Major or Minor Character? 


Smart, caring, logistical

Contribution to Narrative?
A caring friend to Nancy who is trying to look out for her but ends up being betrayed and gets taken by the supernatural

Image result for benny hammond stranger things

Benny Hammond
Major or Minor Character?

Minor character


Caring, brave and confused

Contribution to Narrative?
Cares for Eleven when she is lost but is killed in cold blood

Image result for mr clarke stranger things

Mr Clarke
Major or Minor Character?
Minor character


Kind, smart

Contribution to Narrative?
The support for the kids to go to and the only adult that the kids really connect to on a child aspect.

Image result for connie frazier stranger things

Connie Frazier (Social Worker)
Major or Minor Character?


 Cold blooded and ruthless

Contribution to Narrative?
Tries to get Eleven along with killing Benny who was an innocent man

Image result for scientists stranger things

The Scientists
Major or Minor Character?


Cold and silent

Contribution to Narrative?
Trying to contain the supernatural and capture Eleven.

Image result for ted wheeler stranger things

Ted Wheeler
Major or Minor Character?



Absent father


Stupid, lazy, clueless

Contribution to Narrative?
Is the missing father figure as he doesn’t look after the kids. Completely oblivious of what’s going on.

Image result for karen wheeler stranger things

Karen Wheeler
Major or Minor Character?




Clueless but caring

Contribution to Narrative?
Mum of Mike and Nancy and tries to look after them

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