Tuesday 14 January 2020

Stranger Things


  • Voiceover
  • Eerie music
  • Horror music
  • 80's Nostalgia
  • Teen, horror, sci-fi- Hybrid genres
  • Introduction to all the characters
  • Fear of the unknown
  • The town where nothing ever happens
  • Barthes- Codes: Symbolic, Action (things that happen), Enigma (unsolved mystery)
  • Branding of Netflix logo
  • Dialogue reveals investigating narrative
  • Mise-En-Scene: Chopper Bikes identify 1980's time period
  • Iconography- The significant props of science fiction
  • The paranormal as a convention of Sci-Fi (Realism and Non Realism)
  • Audiences first introduction to eleven- representation of Todorovs theory, equilibrium gets disrupted
  • Audiences are immediately positioned by time period and setting
  • The film sixth sense represents Eleven having special powers
  • Children are central protagonists, individual identities- Will, Mike, Dustin, Lucas
  • Eerie non diegetic sound- Horror conventions
  • Camera tilts down ( common camera movement)- Department of energy possible science fiction enigma
  • Lighting malfunction, fleeing scientist
  • Diegetic sound of monster- horror conventions
  • Suburburn lawn with sprinklers and house show connotations of middle class neighbourhood- Todorovian disruption
  • Major characters suggest diversity with three children being obsessed with a board game
  • Themes of family and friendships

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