Thursday 23 January 2020

Stranger Things Representation Essay

Stranger Things Representation Essay

Within the sequence social groups of all ages are shown in the last few scenes. Firstly, when Mike, Dustin and Lucas are out searching for Will they talk about the supernatural and other geeky stuff. Therefore, the key social group that is presented in this scene is nerds which is shown by them talking about the supernatural which links to other significant films such as ET shown by the boys cruising around on choppers and using torches out in the woods. These representations present the social group of geeks/nerds due to the link to the Sci-Fi genre which Stranger Things incorporates. The way in which media helps to make this scene feel real is the direct link to ET as many of the older audience and some teens grew up watching ET and therefore, understand the enjoyment of the representation of ET Easter eggs and links. Also, in this scene their social group of being nerds/geeks means that the boys are outsiders in society. Furthermore, the boys only have each other to tackle society in Hawkins. So, in this scene when the boys are searching for Will, they share a passion and love for Will and show worry and sympathy for Wills disappearance.

In the next scene in this sequence the story reverts to Nancy studying and Steve has interrupted by climbing into her room to share his feelings towards her.  Nancy and Steve are the sole focus of this scene with their social group being teenagers. Furthermore, the love between the two characters is also focused on and plays a significant role in how the episode finishes. This representation of love is shown through part of the scene. Then the way it switches shows the power Nancy has and therefore, this changes our entire opinion of Nancy and we begin to like her again after the horrible way she betrayed her friend Barbara after Nancy was being popular. The social group of teenagers that’s focused on in this scene indicates that teenagers have a lot of drama around love and relationships.

As this sequence continues the story heads to the Byers household in which Jonathan and Joyce are reminiscing about Will being in their lives. The social group that is analysed in this scene is family love and absent fathers. Firstly, family love is shown through the characters sheer emotions and the fact they can’t stop being so close together as they are trying to comfort one another in this very tough and stressful time. Also, Jonathan is having to step up and look after his mum (Joyce) as their father/husband is no longer around as he has moved on. Furthermore, could their father not being there have such an emotional effect on the Byers family that they can’t handle their emotions very well. Therefore, due to being in this situation Jonathan is trying to break his characters stereotype of being the weird, quiet kid to the man of the house in Joyce’s time of need.

In the last scene when the boys find Eleven. The social group highlighted is geeks and the Sci-Fi genre and the supernatural. This geek and Sci-Fi correlation are created through the clever reference to ET. This is because in ET the children find him in the woods late at night and within Stranger Things, they use the same idea to introduce the boys to Eleven. Furthermore, the boys who are geeks in society who love and worship the Sci-Fi genre are living out their own story when Eleven and her powers are introduced into the story. This is how in which their social group is highlighted within this scene.

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