Thursday 13 December 2018

News table figures

Daily Mail
The Telegraph
Owned by
News Corp
General Trust
Press Holdings
30,438, mainly 15+
1,012,000, mainly 18-34
1,383,932, mainly female 
Political alignment 

Friday 30 November 2018

Millennials and Boomers

Millennials- These are people that are reaching young adulthood in the early 21st century.

Boomers- These are people that were born around or before mid 1940's to 1960's.

Monday 26 November 2018

Stories that went online first

Ariana Grande Concert



Harry Potter leak

Paris Attack

California Fires

Hudson River Crash

Osama Bin Laden raid and death

News Habits

Fix- Accesses news constantly

Track- Accesses the news all day to follow a story/headline

Fill- To read the news to pass the time

Indulge- Enjoys news to have breaks during the day

Invest- Reads the news in- depth

Friday 23 November 2018

Newspaper key words

Newspaper Article analysis

Who was involved?
Bidhya Sagar Das (the dad), The two twins, The mum.
Bidhya Sagar Das (the dad), Cristinela Das (the mum), The two twins.
What happened?
Man arrested after one-year old boy is killed.
Man held after toddler dies in hammer attack.
Where did it happen?
Finsbury Park, North London.
Property in Hackney, North London.
When did it happen?
Saturday 18th March 2017
Saturday 18th March 2017
How did it happen?
Mum came out of the shower to find her son Gabriel dead and Maria in a critical condition. The dad ran out the house and fled.
Mum came out of the shower to find her son Gabriel dead and Maria in a critical condition. The dad ran out the house and fled.
Why did it happen?
Doesn't say
Doesn't say
What do you notice about the difference in content and how the articles convey this information? Why do you think that is?
The times presents their information in a more formal way, this gives the audience more comfort because the newspaper isn’t worrying. The use of the word ‘arrested’ shows that the nasty man is locked away and won’t be able to do further damage. They also give no detailed information or information about the weapon used. The pictures they use are minimal, they don’t tell the whole story in the picture so that it will intrigue people into reading the article instead.
The daily mirror conveys a more informal aspect, making the audience a bit more on edge. The use of the word ‘held’ to describe how the man had been caught, implies he might be let back out whereas the broadsheet shuts it down by saying he’s been arrested. The daily mirror shows lots more pictures, involving the exact building, the parents and the weapon. This gives the audience more initial information, and by seeing the pictures they can interpret the story. The title is also much more bold than the broadsheet, making it stand out more.

Online news increase

Print sales have declined for a number of reasons, but mainly due to the rise of the internet and the rapid growth of technology. The main audience for most papers are people that were born before the Millennial and everyone else after grew up surrounded by technology and are therefore influenced to read the news online rather than in a paper. On the internet they are allowed to comment and share opinions on different news articles but in a paper they can only read and their opinions cannot be shared or heard unless if they go online. This is one of the main reasons why people are using the website rather than going out and buying the actual newspaper. 

Newspapers are mainly aimed at the older generation as most of the stories are more relevant to them and many of the younger generations aren't always interested unless if it directly effects them. Many people think that its more easier to read if all the papers are condensed onto their phone rather than having multiple newspaper which is harder to read, carry and falls apart in the rain or when its hot the newsprint can smudge the ink on your fingers.

On the internet the layout is completely different, there are a lot more stories for the readers to enjoy and comment on and there are a lot less adverts than a newspaper. From statistics the newspapers are losing readers quarterly every year to online newspapers. Even though there is an increase in online journalism and a decrease in newspapers, the news brands are able to increase their viewers/readers because they are going online which is growing their audience.

This change is all shown in these statistics – the daily circulation for the daily mail is 1,228,002, but the daily number of website visits from adults is 169,400,000 on PC alone. This shows how big the news is now becoming online, and although print sales have declined, the online presence has rapidly increased. This is the same as the Guardian, which has daily circulation figures of 135,330, and 1,176,000 website visits from adults on PC.

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Daily Mail Facts

  • Established in 1896- often uses and refers to tradition.
  • Loyal supporters of the British Royal Family.
  • They are right wing (pro Brexit).
  • Owned by Daily Mail and General Trust.
  • 1.25 million print circulation, 2nd highest Sun first place.
  • They are very pro environmental, even though left wing parties support it as well.
  • Its aimed at more suburban and countryside communities rather than urban communities. 
  • Audience is mainly over the age of 50.
  • Editor was Paul Dacre and then it changed to Geordie Greig.
  • Geordie Greig is allegedly 'slightly softening' the newspaper's hard line on Brexit.
  • Pretty much a 50/50 gender split but has a slight female skew.
  • The paper is described as informative, interesting and connects with ordinary people.

Thursday 15 November 2018

Front Page analysis

This is a broadsheet. A broadsheet basically is a type of paper that gives you hard news in lots of detail. There is not much colour used on a broadsheet and the text is really small. Its an upmarket newspaper that brings news that is important and relevant to most people. Compared to a tabloid there is more text on a broadsheet and less pictures however, on a tabloid there is more pictures and a lot less text. On a broadsheet the main story usually takes up all the front page however a front cover on a tabloid there is multiple stories that take up the front page.

For a tabloid the cover is mainly a picture, there isn't much writing to describe whats going on and what the headline represents. The headlines and pictures for a tabloid make such a serious story, a bit silly and kind of takes peoples mind of what can be a very serious story that could effect them. Compared to the broadsheet there is a lot more photos and a lot less text to talk about the headlines that distract the reader. But on the broadsheet they explain a lot about the headline in a lot of detail and uses very few pictures. This is one of the main examples that makes the Sun a tabloid and shows how much of a difference there is between the quality of a broadsheet to a tabloid.

Cultivation Ideas

Gypsy's are being presented in a negative light due to the media, such as covers like this. Many people don't actually know a gypsy personally and therefore its very wrong to say they are bad people if they know nothing about them. The Sun is completely manipulating the front cover to instantly make them sound like the worse people ever. By targeting them even though they have not really talked to them and therefore they are making them a stereotype, but most of the gypsies aren't even like that and its only a small minority. 

Wednesday 14 November 2018

George Gerbner

George Gerbner- Cultivation Theory (or the drip drip effect)

The repetition of images, stories, etc begin to shape our beliefs (dripping tap)

Teenagers - School, Spotty, Moody, Lazy

Muslims - Religious, Terrorists, Fasting, Annoying,

Gypsies - Caravan, Scumbags, Pikeys, Fights, Incest

Americans - Fat, Loud, Annoying, Patriotic

Doctors - Smart, Professional, Savers

Girls from Essex - Slags, Tarts, Orange, Fake, Lovely

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Advert- City Bears

Online News


  • Easy to access
  • Is free to read Dm, The Sun, The Guardian
  • Simple layout/Format
  • Can read more than one paper
  • More interactive
  • Daily Telegraph, Financial Times, you have to pay for these so perhaps the free ones reach a younger audience
  • Saves trees
  • Easier to share articles
  • More revenues from ads
  • Live updates
  • Personalise your news topics 
  • Connects on news stories


  • Bad for the environment
  • People don't always read the full article
  • Its anti-sociable 
  • Only 140 characters to tell the story (Twitter)
  • Inaccuracy, facts missing
  • Journalistic integrity could be compromised
  • Amateur reporters putting others at risk

NFL Story

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Broadsheets vs Tabloids


  • Detailed stories
  • More of an upmarket newspaper
  • Very plain colours
  • Lots of text
  • Size of text is smaller


  • Much more colourful
  • Tacky stories
  • More images
  • Contain free gifts
  • Less text
  • Puns/word play

The Papers

The Broadsheets on these pages such as: The Daily Telegraph and Daily mail, talk about more important stories in a lot more detail

Sunday 4 November 2018

Class- Stereotypes


  1. Stereotypes:

  • Lower Class- Poor black families/individuals
  • Upper Class- Rich white men and women
  • Middle Class- Average white family

2. Film- The Hate You Gave Us

Music Video- Ill Manors, Plan B

Magazine cover- London Riots Headlines

3. Counterpoint

People who may be in the upper class could go bankrupt and could end up homeless even though they might not fit the stereotype of that class they will be apart of it.

Thursday 1 November 2018


  • The way in which people, events and ideas are presented to the audience.
  • To break it down, the media takes something that is already there and represents it to us in the way that they choose.
  • These representations are created by the producers (anyone who makes a media text) of media texts.
  • What they choose to present to us in controlled by the gatekeepers (someone who decides what the audience gets to see or leave out).
Moguls- owner of newspaper

Dominant Ideology

Its the main idea that strong powerful people with dominant ideas control the mood and ideas presented by the media because they control it.


A representation that challenges tradition stereotypical associations of groups, people or places.


This is the 'ultimate' stereotype.


Media industries use stereotypes because the audience will instantly understand them. Think of stereotypes as a 'visual shortcut'. They're repeated so often that we assume they are normal or 'true'.

Wednesday 31 October 2018

Stuart Hall

Hegemonic power- Dominant groups in society controlling those less powerful.
Prefered reading- When an audience needs a text in the way that the media intended it to.
Oppositional reading- When an audience needs a text in the opposite way that the media intended it to.
Negotiated reading- When an audience is allowed to bring their own experiences alongside the media intention (when it is left more for you to decide what you think)- different audiences might have different readings.


Regional identity

Monday 24 September 2018

Analysing- Film


  • Zoom in on the different signs representing parts of the life Trey could end up taking unless if he escapes this violent life.
  • When the camera zooms in on the boys faces in the classroom it shows the anger within them building.

Mise en Scene

  • Street scene, shooting, blood and violence everywhere showing the conditions these young kids live in.
  • Street corners are covered in rubbish and wild dogs are running around spreading disease.
  • The costumes the actors wear are very dull and dirty to show how poor the area is.
  • The lighting is dim and a bit dark to show that these areas are bad or there is trouble around.
  • The actors are very stereotypical in how they speak for 1990's and really help connect the audience to the feelings of the characters.


  • Voiceover at the beginning - offscreen.
  • The music is very slow and steady kind of like mystery music.
  • Sound offscreen of a helicopter to show the violence in the area, along with police sirens.


  • The cut to the stop sign with a loud boom to represent the violence in the area.
  • Dissolves from blood to kids drawings.
  • Dramatic cuts between the posters sounding like gunshots.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

First Editing

My first editing session on Premier Pro, using the James Bond theme. I had a basic play around with Premier Pro, however this is only the beginning of something bigger.

Sunday 16 September 2018

Camera Shots

Big Six

The Big Six media industries consist of:

  • Comcast- Universal Studios, DreamWorks, NBC.
  • Disney- Disney, ESPN, Marvel.
  • TimeWarner- Warner Bros, Cartoon Network, DC.
  • News Corp- Fox, ITV, National Geographic.
  • National Amusements- Paramount, Nickelodeon.
  • Sony- Sony, Olympus, Tristar.
The total worth of all these companies is a staggering total of $430 billion.

It will become the Big Five because Disney is buying out News Corp.


  • Produced Xfinity Wifi network as a new brand to the Comcast family.
  • Largest network in the country with 350,000 hotspots.

  • Disney pays a staggering amount of $71.3 billion to acquire News Corp and to receive all of their assets.

  • Warner Bros studios continue to produce popular and trending films to this day and recently raked in $5 billion in box office receipts alone.
News Corp

  • The most recent thing that they have done is allow Disney to buy out all of their company in order to make a hefty return on their profits and to save the company from going bust.
National Amusements

  • The Head of National amusements (Summer Redstone)  and head of CBS (Joseph lanniello) are in a financial and court battle to take control of National Amusements.

  • Sony are continuing to push to create top movies through its company Tristar and also to produce technology such as the Playstation to compete with its rival Xbox.

Wednesday 12 September 2018


  • The study of signs.
  • Also of anything which stands for 'something else'.
Denotation- What we see when we look at an image (what it is)
Connotation- What we understand from this image (what other meanings it has)Image result for Ballers

Denotation- Spencer is standing at the front with Las Vegas behind him. This is the modern time period.
Connotation- He is the main character and he is a powerful man, Las Vegas is a powerful place and to be smaller than him shows he runs the city. The idea behind good vs evil is hard to tell from this picture, because this makes him look like the bad guy from his expression on his face and the medium close up shot making him look tall and powerful. However he is the good guy and this is a picture aimed to confuse the audience and leave them wanting to watch the show.

Denotation- The name ballers is the title.
Connotation- A 'baller' refers to someone with a lot of money and uses women for their personal gains. This is another way the show Spencer could be the bad guy, and how the director confuses the audience.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Photo task

The idea that we portrayed in this picture for Romcom is the classic love scene between a man and women. The bright colours in this scene with the yellow indicate happiness within this scene and the sunlight is used to influence the romance within the scene with the mood of calmness and warmth to indicate love.

For the man to lift the girl into the air this shows love and affection which is a key ingredient in making a Romcom film.

For this we portrayed the idea of Sci-Fi by using the most simple way possible, by showing a scientific picture. In this scene we have a scientist that has discovered something remarkable within his work, something that could later have terrible consequences. The lab coat and the test tube present this idea perfectly. The dark colour create a sense of tension along with the shocked face on the scientist.


Hybrid- a combination of two genres for e.g romcon, action, adventure.


Image result for guardian front page trump visit     

From the eyes of the British media they immediately show a negative picture/example of Trump therefore making the British public have an instant opinion of him even though they don't properly know Trumps ambitions or beliefs. This is why the British media influences the public because of these type of headlines. Therefore with any big news we are forced to have an opinion that is the same as the media even though we haven't considered other aspects of the argument ourselves.

This is then manipulating the public and makes us believe in things that may not always be the right answer.

Steve Neale

  • Steve Neale stated that genres may be dominated by repetition, but are also marked by difference, variation and change.

  • The idea that these genres change, develop and vary as the borrow from and overlap with one another.

Monday 10 September 2018

Deutschland 83

 The director of Deutschland 83 highlights the impact of the divide between the East and West through the camera shots on each individual character.

The main character who is the spy is scared because he has never experienced life on the other side. The director understands this and emphasises the fear in the spy's eye and directs the camera towards this to draw out the emotion within the scene. The director uses close shots on faces to show emotion as to what is happening around them. For much calmer scenes or scenes of landscape the director uses long shots to set the scene for what is about to happen.

To then set the mood, the director makes the scene kind of dark and mysterious to show the uncertainty for the spy in enemy territory. This is also used when the bad guys enter the scene, however it changes to a brighter scene when the good guys enter. This shows the theme of Good vs Evil.

Film Poster

1. Audience

The Actor

  • Dwayne Johnson is a high profile celebrity and many of his films are action based. He is also in many films suited for young adults and adults.

The Background

  • The details are very violent and show a lot of panic and destruction. Mostly this level of intensity is usually an interest to adults as its not suitable or inappropriate for the younger generation. 
Related image

Friday 7 September 2018


L: The music used in one of his new hit singles Stargazing. He uses a mixture of close up camera shots and long shots to emphasise the power being shown in this video.

I: Travis Scott's record label.

A: The video is aimed at the younger generation. Also aimed at people that remember the original Astroworld Theme Park in Houston.

R: Travis Scott, Trailer for his new album, Creates a short music video teasing his new album and one of his new songs. In the video the space theme represents the song title and the idea he is Stargazing.
The video location is in very abandoned places to symbolism modern culture.

My Favorite forms of media are:

  • Music Videos- I like the whole Modern rap and Hip Hop scene with artists such as: Travis Scott, Migos and Kanye West.
  • Advertising- I am into the whole advertising campaigns that are creative and original. Mainly from my favorite brands such as Supreme, BAPE and Off-White.
  • Internet- The whole concept of the internet influences my personality and culture, through many forms of social media such as Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and Youtube. All of these create the modern culture that is around us and helps make my lifestyle.